How to build brand confidence through insight, innovation, digital and creativity?
Our London based Candid agencies, Brand Potential, Creature and Positive, recently collaborated to bring to life the first (of many) inspiration days. Candid Market 2023 was an afternoon focused on how insight, innovation, creativity and digital can build brand confidence.
Are you curious what our speakers talked about? You can find the presentations of each speaker below.
The topics discussed were:
Positive: Unleashing AI – the key to confidently applying AI for your Digital Marketing
Speakers: Andrew Steel, Chief Strategy Officer, Michael Eustace, Head of Development, and Andre Murrell, Digital Designer
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Brand Potential: Confidence to invest – fresh insight on what Private Equity investors are looking for in brands
Speakers: Emily Thornlor, Client Director and Josh Hunt, Director of Consulting
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Creature: Fight, flight or freeze? Why brand survival is reliant on creativity that understands real people.
Speakers: Dan Cullen-Shute, Worldwide CEO & Founder and Stu Outhwaite-Noel, Chief Creative Officer
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Brand Potential: Confidence to innovate – the role of design thinking in making innovation more human centric.
Speakers: Dr. Andy Burns, Innovation & Insight Director, Brand Potential Steve Reeves, Innovation & Strategy Director, Brand Potential
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Are you interested in more information about the speakers or presentations? Feel free to get in touch with us at: